Salt Saturator/Degasser

Products > Salt Saturator/Degasser

Salt Saturator/Degasser

Brine is needed in many industries including Water Treatment, Food and Chemicals. The Salt Saturator vessel contains layers of graded gravel on which rests a bed of salt covered by a constant head of water. The water dissolves the salt and, filtering through the gravel, emerges as clean, saturated brine in an automatic process needing only a water supply and refilling with PDV salt. Each Salt Saturator System is supplied as a package including:

  • Storage tank
  • Lifting lugs
  • Top access man way
  • Side access man way with level indicator
  • Air vent
  • Overflow
  • Outlet
  • PDV salt inlet
  • Water inlet
  • Dual layer gravel bed

Degasser Towers are operated on the principal of passing the water to be treated over a large surface area whilst blowing air against the flow. The resultant mass transfer of gas at the interface of the water and air removes the acid forming carbon dioxide.